Hunting seems to smell different in spring and summer. The air is crisper and the sun feels warmer. These are all natural occurrences, but the nicer weather seems to fill our souls with anticipation, a kind of energy that carries us into the wilderness at the break of day and before long we’re carried away for hours in that Tennessee landscape. What have you been bagging? Do they happen to be little critters that every neighborhood in America is familiar with?
We, of course, are talking about gray, red, and fox squirrels, because spring squirrel season opened earlier this month and closes June 14. That means there’s not much time left in the spring squirrel season, so if you’re thinking of getting out there, you better act fast. Just know that the daily bag limit is ten. Don’t get overzealous out there!
As every good Tennessee hunter knows, there are five species of tree squirrels found in the state, two of which are not hunted – the southern and northern flying squirrel. They would be difficult to bag anyway, as they are small, love the night, and are tough to spot.
If you have any questions on the Tennessee hunting season and daily bag limits, or are interested in booking a hunting trip, contact Meadow Brook Game Farm today!