With the end of February approaching the 2013-14 hunting season is set to come to a close. While there are only a few weeks left in the current season, there is still plenty of time to experience the thrill of the hunt. In fact, the end of the season is often one of the best times to hunt. You may find more open territories with less fellow hunters to compete with, and there is still a great deal of squirrels, rabbits, grouse, and other game available.
In fact, one of the most popular hunting choices in Tennessee is squirrels. There are a wide range of squirrel species found throughout the state, including the large fox squirrel. Many people who have never tried squirrel before may be surprised to learn they are delicious and can be prepared in a number of ways. If you plan to hunt squirrel during the end of the season keep in mind that you can bag up to 10 a day.
In addition to squirrels, rabbit and quail are also prime Tennessee hunting targets. While they may be harder to catch, you can take advantage of a variety of supplies and techniques including hunting dogs and traps. The bag limit for quails and rabbits is 6 and 5 respectively.
When it comes to hunting in Tennessee, you can expect the best when you choose Meadow Brook Game Farm. We would love to see you as the end of the season nears so get in touch with us today for more information!
Source: http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20140206/SPORTS/302060048/OUTDOORS-Time-running-out-hunting-season